Cultivate Your Weirdness

Coaching current and future leaders, brand builders and multipotentialites to recapture playfulness, unlock authenticity and help their creativity burn bright, not burn out.Follow me on LinkedIn to watch me be weird in the wild!Does this sound like you?● “Tell me about yourself,” makes you wonder, “where do I even start?”
● You have a wild and active imagination, a love of learning, and way too many interests to follow a singular and linear path in life.
● You’re a compassionate leader. You care deeply about people and the planet and have big ideas for bringing about meaningful change.
But others have made you feel less than just for being yourself. They make you feel like you’re unfocused. Your dreams are too ridiculous. Like you’re “too weird” or “too much”.● This has caused you to hide parts of yourself away. You make up narratives that don’t feel like you. You feel inauthentic.
● You struggle to manage your energy, time, and money because you’re doing too many things that don’t bring you joy.
● You have little support in bringing about organizational change, and it’s depleting you.
● You constantly compare yourself to people who’ve had a singular path, a singular focus, a singular hobby. You try to be like them. It’s exhausting.
But you have to realize, you’re not the problem. You don’t have to change your brilliant, creative brain.I’m Cee, and like you, I see a world where creatives can thrive and make the impact we were meant to. Let’s change the world together.I offer both individual coaching customized for your unique challenges and goals, as well as groups to help you make big, scary changes surrounded by supportive community doing the same thing. I also have a free self-paced email course coming soon. Join my newsletter to be the first to know when it's released!

👋🏻About Me

A minimalist-style digital portrait of Cee in shades of purple and teal. In this portrait Cee has a short purple bob hairstyle and purple lipstick. Her eyebrows and eyelashes are visible but the rest of the details of her face are omitted. She has peach-to

Hi! I'm Cee (she/her).I understand what it feels like to be a multipotentialite because I live that life, and I love it. My diverse career as an award-winning design generalist includes creating national certifying curriculum for the rental industry, exhibiting a VR app at the Smithsonian, and serving as an interpreter for the president of a global auto manufacturer.That’s not all. I've led a 500-member bowling league, became a published author at age 7, was a word away from entering the National Spelling Bee (twice!), and learned A1-level Russian over a weekend just for fun (I can say simple sentences like Я люблю слушать музыку).My undergraduate degree was in Asian Studies, Linguistics, and Music Industry, specialties my friends joked converged around my being a music producer for a Japanese band (which I actually was back in those days!).I didn’t always feel good about my multipotentialite self. I thought my "weirdness" was a disadvantage. That my non-linear path was wrong. But I’ve come to realize that my diverse experience sets me apart. It’s what’s enabled me to have all these amazing skills and ideas that help me bring joy and innovation to the workplace and to my own life.Get to know me and my coaching style by booking a call or signing up for my newsletter
to start your journey to living a more authentic life.

💖About Coaching

I'm here as your supporter, friend and guide to make some important and likely scary changes in your life. Here are some philosophies I operate under as a coach.1. Coaching centers you and you are always in the driver's seat. You will never have to do anything you are uncomfortable with or not yet ready for.2. That said, you are fully responsible for your own transformation. I cannot guarantee results. The price of Cultivate Your Weirdness coaching includes my time, my experience and expertise, and my support. You must be fully committed to showing up for yourself and doing the work. I cannot refund your money if you don't see results, but more importantly, you cannot refund the time you invested in trying to change halfheartedly either.If this sounds too hustly and scary, please rest assured that my approach is gentle and designed for folks with complicating life things (family care responsibilities, health challenges, unexpected setbacks, systemic oppression, trying to survive in a capitalistic hellscape, etc.). We will find a realistic way for you to take manageable action steps toward your goals!3. Coaching is forward-thinking life and career strategy. It is not therapy. While I commit to fostering a trauma-informed, courageous space for everyone, I am not a licensed therapist. If you are experiencing mental health challenges that interfere with your day-to-day life, please seek support from a licensed professional, and if you are in crisis, please call or text 988 (in the US) or your country's crisis number.4. If you are not feeling fully present and capable of benefiting from a scheduled 1:1 coaching session, please kindly reach out to me to reschedule at no cost up until midnight your local time the day of your session. I would rather us both be able to be fully engaged for the session.Learn more about current group and individual offerings, or Play Well coaching for teams. If you have questions or would like to chat about any of these programs further, book a call and I'd love to chat with you!

Group Coaching Programs

I offer group programs in a 3- or 6-month container that have a key step to achieving lasting change built right in: building supportive community. Visit the links to learn more about each program.Get WEIRD! is a five-step process designed to help you create a life you love in line with your values and your authentic self in three months. It's enough time to begin the journey and make progress on one scary goal.Manage Your TEAM is a six-month hybrid of group and individual coaching for leaders hoping to reclaim more of their valuable resources of time, energy, attention and money.UNMASK is a neuroaffirming program designed to help participants discover and celebrate their authentic, unmasked neurodivergent identity over the course of three months while building supportive neurodivergent community.

Individual and Custom Coaching Programs

I offer both structured and customized individual coaching programs. Customized programs are available in a six-month container while structured programs are three months long. Visit the links to learn more about each program.StructuredThe WEIRD Process is designed to help you create a life you love in line with your values and your authentic self in three months. It's enough time to begin the journey and make progress on one scary goal.Manage Your TEAM is a six-month hybrid of group and individual coaching for leaders hoping to reclaim more of their valuable resources of time, energy, attention and money.UNMASK is a neuroaffirming program designed to help participants discover and celebrate their authentic, unmasked neurodivergent identity over the course of three months while building supportive neurodivergent community.CustomFollow Your Own Lead is a customized program for those who are already in a leadership role, contemplating taking on a leadership role, or are on or contemplating starting an entrepreneurship journey.Diverge is a customized program for thriving with a neurodivergent brain. Note: I cannot diagnose anything. Visit the program page for more information.


Create an authentic, joyful life you love with the WEIRD process.WEIRD stands for:💗Want to Change: Develop the mindset necessary to implement the changes you desire. Identify and address any limiting beliefs holding you back.📚Educate on Solutions: Gather resources and information to prove that these changes are possible. Build supportive community to encourage you as you challenge yourself and grow. (This step is built-in in the group program!)💡Ideate and Implement: Try out some of your desired changes. Explore them experientially to understand if they're truly right for you.🤔Reflect and Refine: Adapt anything that didn't work and run another experiment. (You may need to repeat I and R a few times - everyone spells WEIRD a little differently!)🤩Deliver On Your Dream: Celebrate achieving your goals and living life on your terms.There are a few different ways you can get WEIRD:
- At the Get WEIRD to Plan Your Career Workshop on Wednesday, 7/17/24 with Tech Ladies
- In a Weird Weekend Workshop intensive with a group of weirdos you already know, or friends you haven't met yet
- In a group over the course of 10 weeks (three months)
- 1:1 at your pace with me
The first two options come with the added bonus of having the most important step, creating a supportive community, built right in!Ready to get WEIRD and exceed your wildest expectations? Book a call to learn more.Not ready yet? Sign up for my newsletter to receive updates when registration opens for the next group. You'll also receive some sweet discounts!

📖Manage Your TEAM

An image of an ATM with a face showing a blank expression with wide eyes, indicating overwhelm and burnout.

Coming soon!Your most precious resources are your time, energy, attention and money: your TEAM.As a leader, you're used to managing teams at work, and maybe even the team that is your family at home. But this TEAM often feels wildly out of your control.You've grown to a point in your life where you have the great responsibility that the great power comes with, and you don't remember Spider-Man's uncle telling you it would be this exhausting. What happened to your agency, you wonder? To your sense of playfulness?Manage Your TEAM is a unique blend of individual and group coaching designed for folks who are ready to unpack and unburden themselves from people-pleasing, hustling, and consuming their way to happiness.It's hard work, but with ample 1:1 and community support from others on a similar journey, you'll have a team to support your TEAM.Become a legendary TEAM leader. Join the waitlist to be the first to know when Manage your TEAM launches.

🗺Follow Your Own Lead - Individualized Leadership Coaching

Follow Your Own Lead is an individualized leadership coaching plan designed with you in mind! Be the captain of your own ship as we navigate the waters of your life and career together.Here are some of the topics we can work on:- Becoming an entrepreneur/starting a side hustle
- Deciding between a management or IC track
- Deciding on a career change
- Developing your leadership style
- Growing into a leadership role
- Leading from any seat
- Organization, managing your time and life
- Personal branding for multipotentialites
- Recapturing joy and play
- Supporting disabled and chronically ill employees
- Supporting multicultural teams and English language learners
- Supporting neurodivergent employees
- Work/life balance
- Working while disabled/chronically ill
And more! Tell me what's going on and we can tackle it together. Book a call to learn more.Not ready yet? Sign up for my newsletter to receive updates about other related offerings, such as Create Abundance hybrid group and 1:1 coaching.

🪁Play Well - Wellness Coaching for Teams

Does any of this sound familiar?You lead or belong to a small, remote team that's been feeling increasingly frustrated and burned out. Fear and scarcity pervade in a widespread landscape of layoffs - maybe even ones that have impacted your company or team. Desperately-needed conversations around mental health just aren't happening, or worse, management is paying lip-service to it but not backing it up through their policies. This cultural cognitive dissonance is causing a lack of authentic connections between teammates and hindering collaboration, and ultimately the efficiency and effectiveness of work produced.Maybe you should talk to someone.Actually, maybe you should play with someone.Recapture a sense of playfulness and embrace play as resistance with Play Well, a different kind of wellness program.Play Well combines practical and impactful burnout and stress management training with gamified engagement experiences to help teams improve cooperation, collaboration, and most importantly, genuine connection.By establishing a safe space for team members to play and work out challenges away from management's prying eyes and ears, teams can meaningfully identify and address pain points and blockers toward a more effective workflow, product improvements, and happier customers.Play Well is available in the following formats and works best with remote teams of 15 members or less:🕹Minigame - One-off, half-day session
🎮Playthrough - Six weekly sessions
🎲Campaign - Ongoing, customized program tailored to your company's unique needs
Let the games begin! Book a call to learn more.Not ready yet? Sign up for my newsletter to receive updates about my other offerings.

🧠Diverge: Customized Neurodivergent Coaching

They say that life with a neurodivergent or "spicy" brain is playing the game of life on hard mode. I'd be happy to work with you on developing some cheat codes and game mods.I can work with you on any of the following:
- Accountability
- Adopting healthy habits
- Autistic burnout
- Building confidence
- Energy management
- Executive functioning
- Fear of being perceived/spotlight effect (because invisibility isn't a real superpower, but confidence is!)
- Gamifying your life (remember those cheat codes?)
- Internalized ableism
- Name dysphoria
- PDA (pathological demand avoidance or persistent drive for autonomy)
- Rejection sensitive dysphoria
- Supporting neurodivergent family members (partners, parents, kids, teens)
- Building healthy neurodivergent families (disclaimer: my perspective is that of a non-parent raised in a neurodivergent family)
And more! Tell me what's going on and we can tackle it together.Big, important disclaimer: I am a coach with lived experience with AuDHD - not a licensed psychologist. While I cannot and will not diagnose any conditions, you are welcome to participate in customized neurodivergent coaching if you are self-diagnosed, contemplating possible neurodivergence, or love and support a neurodivergent person and want to learn how to help them thrive.Book a call if you're ready to chat further.Not ready yet? Sign up for my newsletter to receive updates about other related offerings, such as UNMASK group coaching.

🎭UNMASK🌶 Authenticity Coaching

Discovering and embracing your neurodivergence can be exciting and freeing, but also overwhelming. For folks who have spent a lifetime masking, how do you know who you really are? How do you give yourself permission to be that person without being self-sabotaged by shame and people-pleasing?This is where the UNMASK process comes in. It's a structured coaching program that allows you to explore unmasking 1:1 at your own pace with me, or in a group over the course of 12 weeks (three months).UNMASK stands for:🤔Understand your needs: Identify the most important priorities to feel safe in your body and feel joy in your life. Examine forms of self-stimulation (stimming), sensory needs, and somatic healing techniques.🙅🏻Nope out! Begin to set boundaries to protect your well-being, starting small. Identify opportunities to remove sources of stress from your life when and where you can and find soothing and safe replacements (often just rest or unstructured time).🕺🏽Make time for joy: With shame-free curiosity, explore and discover the things that energize and heal you. Carve out and protect time and energy in your life for those things and adapt your obligatory energy drains around them.🚫Abolish limiting beliefs: By this point we will have touched upon limiting beliefs and exploring them without judgment, but you will not have been required to tackle them yet. Now, hopefully with some fuel back in your tank, start to do some of the inner work to banish these harmful beliefs and replace them with ones that build you up.💟Seek community support: (This step is built-in in the group program!) Find and build bonds with people who accept and embrace your authentic self. Prove to your wounded heart that you are a delight to be around and deserving of love just as you are.🏅Keep going: Plan for setbacks and challenges and incorporate all the tools learned so far to create a sustainable way forward. Protect your authentic self and light the way for them to shine!Ready to take the next step and emerge from behind the mask? Book a call to learn more.Not ready yet? Sign up for my newsletter to receive updates when registration opens for the next group.

Modify, Measure, Meditate

A free, five-day email mini course designed to strengthen your mind-body connection and mitigate signs of burnout.Day 1: Introduction and setting expectations
Day 2: How to modify your environment for success
Day 3: How to measure your progress toward setting the best goals
Day 4: How to meditate to strengthen your mind-body connection
Day 5: Next steps and how to connect with me further
By signing up, you'll also join the Cultivate Your Weirdness newsletter, which you can unsubscribe from at any time.Hope to connect with you inside the course!

📨Keep in touch!

I'm building a community of kind, genuine, creative and delightfully weird folks who represent all varieties of life experiences. Sign up for updates about new offerings and events as well as answers to your career questions!Want to submit a question for an upcoming newsletter? Please use this Google form.You'll also be the first to know about the free self-paced, email-based course when it launches!Create your best life today by cultivating your weirdness and celebrating everything that makes!